Hispanic Women Speak

Hispanic Women Speak is a presentation comprised of a series of dramatized living history portraits of a wide variety of notable Hispanic women from all over the world. Included among the portraits are such women as Dolores Huerta, Gabriela Mistral, Saint Teresa of Avila, Emilia Pardo Bazan, Dolores Ibarruri, Queen Isabella, Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz, and others. Mainly performed in English, some poetry is delivered in Spanish. Music, costumes and props bring color and distinction to this unique program. After the performance, the audience is given time to ask questions, make requests and clarify matters.

Women's studies and Hispanic studies, still relative newcomers to the field of humanities, are central to the appreciation of Hispanic women's contribution to the arts, philosophy and literature. Bringing these women to life informs the audience of those contributions by utilizing monologues made up of the women's own words and representing the kernel of what they stood for and what their contributions were. For example, Dolores Ibarruri, known to her compatriots as La Pasionaria (passion flower), galvanized her people to action during the Spanish Civil War. Her issues were not gender based. Nor were those of Nobel Prize winner Gabriela Mistral, poet and educator, whose greatest concern was teaching the young people in the poor villages of Chile, her native land.

Bringing these women to life supports the consideration of the contributions to the humanities of Hispanic women. Put into an historical perspective, the common perception of seeing Hispanic women only as part of the under class is put in check. What's more, we begin to see that "women's issues" and "Hispanic issues" are not concerned only with the roles of gender and nationality, but are as expansive as life itself.

Tightly structured, the program has humor and wit and is, at times, quite provocative. At its conclusion, if the assembly so chooses, a discussion may be held.

Hispanic Women Speak is appropriate for high school through adult audiences



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Speak Like a Star
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Movers & Shakers
A Visit with Emily Dickinson
A Visit with Edna St. Vincent Millay
Hispanic Women Speak
Hear Us Roar
Speak Like A Star

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